Bananas in Period

Bananas in Period


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke

 Dinner with banana tree in back ground


A Banana is complex plant where the flowers are not flowers, and fruit appears with out fertilization and there are no seeds.  The banana reproduces from a rhizome. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 678).  The banana was and still is a very popular food item.  A Buddhist monk wrote of the banana in 600 B.C, (Staub, pp. 31) and the delight he found in this strange non seeding fruit.  From China to India to the Middle East and along the trade routes the banana set out to spread along the world as a favored food mostly in sweets but in the occasional savory dish.

The banana is thought to have been transported to Central America by a a Spanish missionary Tomas de Berlanga in 1516 and/or Portuguese sailors trying to establish a cash crop. (Staub pp. 31/   This favored Asian and Middle East fruit did very well in the tropics of South America.  So well that plantations were set up to grow this flavorful lucrative fruit.

Bananas in Art:

Bananas seem to be in the category of illusive items that every one knew about, had a few recipes but the art work is depicting them is harder then hen’s teeth to find.  I have found two pictures that deal with dinners and have either bananas in the art work or a banana tree.

Dinner with banana tree in back ground

Humayun at the celebration held at the time of Akbar’s circumcision, Mughal, c. 1603-1604 British Library.

Trying to find the banana tree in this picture was a little like trying to find Waldo.  There is so much going on in this amazingly active feast painting.

Banana tree close up

Humayun at the celebration held at the time of Akbar’s circumcision, Mughal, c. 1603-1604 British Library.

In the far top almost center, next to the throne there is a small section of plants, where one looks to be a rendering of a banana plant.

The next picture and close up are in another feast painting.


Serving bananas

Banquet being prepared for Bahur and the Mirazs; Mughal, c. 1590. British Library

Again there is a lot of activity and color going on.  I love the way the artist has rendered the serving dishes in the back ground and the large cooking vessels (but that’s for another research paper).

Close up of bananas

Banquet being prepared for Bahur and the Mirazs; Mughal, c. 1590. British Library

This is a close cropping from the middle of the picture, where the servant is carrying a tray of melons and bananas.

Banana in period recipes:

One of the most recent books to come out for Middieval Middle Eastern cooking is called The Nimatnama Manuscript fo the Sultans of Mandu, a fabulous book with several banana recipes.  However I am going to go old school and use the Medieval Arab Cookery book and Medieval Cuisine in the Islamic World for the following period recipe(s).


Apricots (or Bananas) and Chicken



First Recipe: Banana

Take bananas that are fully ripe.  Peel them and immerse them in fine samid sour dough, kneaded as for pancakes.  Then take them up and leave on some thing woven.  Boil sesame oil, fry the bananas, take them out and throw them in syrup.  Then throw them in a dish with pounded, sugar, then arrange them in a tray with fine flat breads above and below.  Hang fat chicken above.

(Rodison, pp. 411).

Second Recipe: Apricots

Take some sweet and mature apricots; detach (the fruit) from the pit.  (Mix it with sugar.) In a clean baking pan…spread out (an already baked) flat bread) and place the mixture of apricots and place the mixture of apricots and sugar) on top.  (over this with another cooked flat bread.)  If you wish to add a bit of saffron , do so and sprinkle with rose water; then hang an excellent hen over (the dish), may it please God.

(Zaouali, pp. 82)


5 Bananas        1/3 cup sugar    flat bread dough

Walnut  oil

½ C rendered chicken fat

For Apricots

or 2 cups fresh or dried apricots 1 pinch saffron            1/8 teaspoon rosewater


Banana Flat Bread Dough

4 C flour           2 TBS honey    1 TBS salt        1 C water         3 VERY ripe bananas



When I did this recipe the first time, I used sliced home made bread and apricots.  The bread burnt on the bottom..  The second time I used raw flat bread dough but not flat bread with banana, and a chicken sitting on top of the raw flat bread.  This was much much better.  I also did half apricots (mixed with saffron and rose water) and raw bananas (uncooked).  This time, I adapted the dough a bit and the stuffing. Originally I took a shallow tangine, and poured a little sesame oil down to coat the dish then laid down the raw flat bread.   This time I used a clay dish, deeper then a tangine unfortunately not deep enough as the dough raised and the rendered chicken fat could not all be used only a small portion.

First I made the dough.  Flour in a bowl.  The ingredients honey, salt, yeast and water.   Are then mixed together.  This is very well mixed together.  Next add in three very ripe bananas to the soft dough.  Mix, in the bananas, very well.  The dough should be pliable and soft but not hard.  Some where between a pancake dough and a bread dough.  Divide the dough into two.  On a well floured surface, roll the dough out.  Here bits of honey that have not been well mixed are showing through.  I used honey that had gone granular due to the cold.  To fix this, in a period manner, just put granular honey in a bowl then place that bowl in another bowl with hot water coming to just the middle of the first bowl.  This should melt the honey. Or just stick the bowl with the granular honey in a microwave for 30 seconds or so.

Take a deep clay dish and oil the bottom.  Here I used walnut oil.  Sesame oil has a very strong taste and I wanted a nuttier flavor instead.  The recipe calls for sesame but I changed this to my taste.  Place the dough in the bottom of the dish.

Take and chop 5 bananas.  These bananas need to be not overly ripe.  Green bananas to almost brown but not squishy.   Slice the bananas up as thicker or slightly thicker then a finger width (roughly ½ inch).  Take a frying pan and add walnut oil with 1/3 C of sugar.  Then add the raw bananas until slightly browned.  Maybe 2 minutes.  Do not burn.  The sugar will caramelize adding a deeper color to the bananas so pay strict attention to this part.

Cooked bananas.  These are so incredibly good, that I had to limit myself to only a couple of bites other wise I would have eaten the entire filling of cooked bananas.  Place the caramelized bananas on top of the bottom layer of dough.  Place the second layer of dough on top.  Place the dish into the oven at 350.

This is where things get a little tricky.  In period, the oven area had hooks for the a chicken to be roasted on (Rodison/Zaouali,  Most people do not have such an item in their ovens or fire pits. So there are two choices, place a raw chicken on tope while the dish cooks or take the rendered fat from roasted chicken.

I choose to take the fat from a roasted chicken.  My reasoning came from using a chicken last time.  I was not impressed with either the chicken on top of the dough or how the dough came out.  The dish was excellent but I was not as impressed as I wanted to be with the final result.  So every 15 minutes pour a few tablespoons on top of the dough pour a few tablespoons of rendered fat at a time.  Pouring a little at a time will simulate the dripping of the fat from a chicken over the pudding dish instead of drowning the dish in chicken fat.  The crust is lightly browned, even golden, where you can see the chicken fat has crisped the dough along the edges.

The final taste test was incredible.  The top is savory sweet while the filling adds an extra layer of sweetness.  The bottom is perfectly done, sweet but not as savory as the top.

Period vs. Modern

The period dish would have been done in a wood fired stove with a hanging chicken on a hook or spit.  I had to do this dish in a gas fired stove with collected rendered chicken fat.  I used as many organic items as possible.  The chicken that would have been cooked over this dish would have been either a Sultan or a Russian Orlaff (Chickens in Period Research Paper).  I had to use a modern chicken for the rendered fat.  As seen in the photos, I tried to use as period dishes as possible for mixing and cooking.  The bananas would have been fried on a flat sheet of metal. (Rodinson, p. 286)

I enjoyed this dish very much.  I would have personally seasoned the dough with spices but the recipe did not indicate this was done.  I am betting; however that the love for spices was great enough someone somewhere would have thought to spice the dough up.  If I were serving this to friends, I would; however the dough at this point is a simple dough relying on bananas and honey for flavor.



  Banquet being prepared for Bahur and the Mirazs; Mughal, c. 1590. British Library

Humayun at the celebration held at the time of Akbar’s circumcision, Mughal, c. 1603-1604 British Library.

Komaroff, L., Gifts of the Sultan: The arts of Giving at the Islamic Courts.

Rodison, M., (2001). Medieval Arab Cookery.

Rodinson, M., Arberry, A., Perry, C., (2001). Medieval Arab Cookery.  Prospect Books. Cromwell Press.

Staub, J., (2005). 75 Exciting Vegetables. Gibbs Smith, Publisher Salkt Lake City.

Toussaint-Samat, M., (1992). History of Food.

Zaouali, L., (2004)., Medieval Cuisine of the Islamic World. University of California Press.


Watermelon in Period

Watermelon in Period


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke



Watermelon in Period


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke



The modern watermelon is from the cucurbitaceous, a flowering plant from Africa, which is called a pepo by botanist.  A pepo is a berry with a fleshy center and a thick rind. ( The watermelon was not always sweet as a philosopher once noted

“Friends of the present day are like the melon.  You must try 50 before you find a good one” (Translation) (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 657)  Toussaint-Samat tells of the various type of cucurbitaceous found in America are the pumpkins, gourds, marrows and courgettes and squashes while the cucumber and watermelon are African in origin. (pp. 657).   Wiki expands on the three types of melons (but no the cucumis of the Americas) found were bland, sweet and bitter.  The original sizing of non cultivated watermelons were small, not much larger then quince. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 657)  Cultivation in the 5th century BC by the Egyptians grew larger and sweeter fruits which became widely popular in the Mediterranean area. By the 13th century invading Moors introduced the fruit to Europe.  (Wikipedia)


Watermelon in period:


Shah ;Abbas II Receiving the Mughal Ambassador, Iran. C. 1663. Aga Khan Museum Collection.

The painting is very large and the watermelon small but prominent in placement.  At the Shah’s left knee is a small oriental bowl is half a watermelon.  The distinguishing characteristics is red flesh with black seeds and an alternating rind with dark and light green stripes seen above the rim of the white bowl.

I have found a few recipes for watermelon as a drink or roasting of the seeds, I actually like the idea of a fruit being enjoyed just as a fruit in this instance.  So I present, watermelon in a bowl as presented in the hunting picture.

There is also a very tasty sherbet, that I would like to share.


…put together one cup of water with two dirams of sugar and add it to any fruit juice.  This becomes a quantity of sherbet. (The Nimatnama Manuscript. Pp. 27)


One watermelon, inner flesh scooped out

½ to 1 C sugar

1 C water


This recipe is very simple and very tasty!  Take one watermelon.

Whole watermelonSlice it in half.

half watermelons

 Next gut the red flesh from the green rind and place in a bowl.


pieces from watermelon in bowl

Then squish…reputedly, till the watermelon flesh is juiced.

 squished watermelon

A simple potato smasher will work.  Finally add sugar and stir.

 sugar to watermelon

Then pour juice over fresh snow and consume.

 watermelon on ice

If there is no snow available, then use crushed ice (not pictured here).  This is really good.  Sweet watermelon juice at just the right temperature during the middle of summer.


Period vs. Modern


I had to use a modern type of watermelon for both the sliced watermelon and the watermelon juice.    The watermelon in my garden is not fruiting so home grown wasn’t an option at this point.  The sugar is simple table sugar.


SugarSaccharum officinarum “…considered a spice even rarer and more expensive then any other…pharmaceutical use…gives its species name of officinarum.”   Considered very expensive till the late 1500.  Loaf sugar given the name due to the conical shape derivded from refining into a hard and very white refined form. Caffetin or Couffin (English equivalent of “coffer” or “coffin”) named for the form, packed in plaited leaves palm and from the city shipped from called Caffa in the Crimea.    Casson a very fragile sugar also considered the ancestor to castor sugar.  Muscarrat considered the best of all sugars, reported to be made in Egypt for the Sultan of Babylon.  The Italian name mucchera denotes that it had been refined twice. (Toussaint-Samat, pg. 553-555)

I used a potato smasher to liquefy the watermelon.  I did not use a blender; however I do not know what was used in period for making fruit juice other then presses.

File:Cider press in Jersey.jpg

This is a traditional cider press as a reference.  I can’t imagine that every house had a press so my belief is that the fruit would have been cut into small chunks, then placed in a muslin bag and squeezed till all the juice that human muscle could produce.


 Komaroff, L., (2001). Gifts of the Sultan.  The Art of Giving at the Islamic Courts. Yale University Press.

Staub, J., (2005). 75 Exciting Vegetables for Your Garden. Library of Congress.

The Sultan’s Book of Delights, The Ni’mantnama Manuscript of the Sultans of Mandu. (2005).  Translated by Norah M. Titley.

Toussaint-Samat, M., (1992). History of Food. Barnes & Nobles.


Turkey in Period Research Paper

Turkey in Period


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke


 The Well-Stocked Kitchen, Joachim Beuckelaer, 1566



The turkey is from the genus Meleagris, native to North America.  The Meleagris gallopavo or the Wild Turkey is the forebearer of all period breeds of Turkey.

However the name Turkey was not the original moniker for this North American bird.  The name Turkey stuck to the Indian Peacock when William Strickland, the man who introduced the Turkey to England was granted a coat of arms “A turkey-cock in his pride proper.”  There are two descriptions of how the Turkey got the name Turkey instead of Spain or Spanish Peacock.  The first seems to be that merchants zealously guarded the secrete to where these large but wonderful tasting fowl came from and since many boats were coming and going not only from the New World but the Indies and Turkey, the merchants called the Turkey (Turkey’s).  (Tousaint-Samat, pp. 342-343). The second theory put forth by Wikipedia, states that the American Turkey was originally mis-identified as a type of guinea fowl (known as the Turkey fowl) and imported to Europe through Turkey.   The Turkey is so called the Indian Peacock for not only the size of the bird but the proud puffing of tail feathers when displaying for the hens by male turkey.

While the Turkey was get a proper name the moniker of the American Peacock or the Indian Peacock depending on who was cooking.  Scappi calls for the use of “Indian Peacock” in several recipes.  Unlike the SCA myth that the turkey actually replaces the peacock, both peacock and the turkey are given equal time in Scappi’s recipes.

The Spaniards took back a few of the novelty “Indian Peacocks” back to Spain in the early 1500’s (1500-1519) where the Turkey became a welcome addition to any flock, not only for their voracious bug eating abilities but tasty flesh.  Naturalizing to various regions, the European varieties became as distinguished in their own right and characteristics. Varieties abounded all over Europe, such as the Norfolk Black, the Cambridgeshire Bronze, White Austrian, Buff, Blue and a variegated Blegian called the Ronquieres, Spanish Black and the Narragansett to name a few.  (

Turkey Stills in Period:


This leads to the period picture of a busy period kitchen.  Here we see several types of birds, hanging and awaiting to be plucked.  It is my belief that the plucked bird in the basket middle bottom is that of a turkey while the large dark feathered bird to the left is that of either a Black Spanish (Spanish turkey) or a Black Norfolk (English Turkey).


Another very awesome picture of a busy kitchen is again from the Flemish artist, Joachim Beuckelaer.

The Four Elemnts of Fire, Joachim Beuckelaer 1569

In this picture in the upper right hand corner we see a magnificent picture of a turkey handing and ready to be plucked.


 A close up of the same picture with the turkey next to a rooster.

This sets an established validity that the turkey is not a miss named guinea hen but a true turkey that could be one of several Europeanized birds from the North American wild turkey.  At this point in the mid 1500’s the turkey is finding a place in the kitchen of the upper middle class and not just of nobility as the still lives point to upper to middle class kitchens


With the introduction of the turkey or the American peacock, that the original peacock from India was no longer popular.  I believe that the peacock enjoyed the same dining pleasure i.e. for the very rich; however after studying peacock history for cooking of a peacock is that they are not nearly as meaty.  Peacocks in comparison to turkeys are also not as productive. Where as a a peahen will only lay 3-9 eggs a year while a single chicken could lay up to 200 eggs each year, (Damerow) A turkey can lay up to 80-100 eggs during a 4 motnh period if eggs are continually harvested from a turkey nest during the breeding season of spring to early summer. (wiki.answers).  Once a fertilized turkey egg is harvested, the egg can then be placed under a brooding chicken to be hatched.  (Columella/Damerow).  This gives the turkey almost 10x the potential of chicks per the potential 9 of peacock.  While the turkey was still a luxury item, in comparison to the peacock the turkey was more plentiful once a breeding population had been established and popular traits i.e. meat, coloration, and bug devouring properties breed for.

There are several turkey recipes; however the one I am going to be redacting is from “The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570)”.




To roast turkey cock and turkey hen, which in some places in Italy are called ‘Indian Peacocks.

A turkey cock and turkey hen are much bigger in the body then an ordinary peacock; and the cock can spread its tail like the peacock….Its breast is broad…its flesh much whiter and softer then that of the common peacock and it is hung for a shorter time then any similar fowl.

If you want to spit-spit roast it, do not let it sit for more then six days in winter before being drawn or in the summer for more then two.  Pluck it dry or in hot water…If you want to stuff it, use one of the stuffings of Recipe 115…stick it with fine lardoons of pork fat, although if it is fat, an stuffed there will not be any need for larding; you will have to stud it though with a few whole cloves.  Mount it on a spit and cook it slowly, that bird cooking much more quickly that a common peacock. (Scappi, pp. 208-209)


…for every four pounds of beaten pork fat get two pounds of parboiled veal or goat-kid sweetbreads…four ounces of sugar, four egg yolks, a handful of herbs, nine not-too-ripe plums or else muscatel pears…instead of sweetbreads you can use calf, kid or pig brain, parboiled. (Scappi, pp. 193-194)


1 small young turkey

1 lb chopped bacon ends

1 lb bacon strips

3 Tbs sugar

4 egg yolks

Herbs –sage, rosemary, basil, thyme, bruised laurel leaves, parsley – rinsed and chopped

½ lb sweetbread

Whole cloves for studding



I have cooked turkey on many occasions; however cooking a period recipes require a slight mind shift.  The stuffing is very different as the main ingredient is pork fat not bread crumbs and there is the inclusion of sugar to counter the savory, not to mention egg yolks instead of whole eggs.

The first thing to do is try to get a heritage turkey, from either a specialty shop or raising one.  Should a heritage turkey be unattainable, go for a young turkey NOT an old turkey.  The older the turkey, the tougher the meat.  Young and sweet is what you would want to serve to the pope or visiting royalty.

Turkey raw

Clean out the giblets and set to the side while gathering and mixing the stuffing ingredients.

My first task was to pick herbs from the garden.  A handful of or a few stems of each of the above listed herbs were gathered then rinsed well.

Herbs in strainer

Once they were patted dry, I de-stemmed the leaves from woody stalks.  The bay laurel I left intact but bruised the leaves for maximum flavor.  Everything else was then chopped and set to the side.

chopped herbs

The sweetbread was chopped into small chunks and set to the side as well

chopped sweetbread

I used bacon ends for the pork fat instead of raw pork fat.

chopped smoked bacon

I could have used rendered pork fat but I don’t think that is what was really used.  Rendered pork fat would drip and slide with out actually staying inside the turkey for flavoring, as it has a fairly low melting temperature.

I did not have slightly tart plums on hand.  I used dried unsugared plums with the thought that in period if plums were not in season dried plums (prunes) would have been used instead.

 chopped dried plums

I also added more then 9 as I actually like the flavor of dried plums and wanted to offset the bacon ends with a bit more sweet.  The bacon ends were placed in a bowl.  From here I added the sweetbread, herbs, sugar, egg yolks, and dried plums.

Then I mixed well.

final mix herbs


I was now ready to stuff a turkey.

            stuffed raw turkeyThe turkey was stuffed to just the right amount.

Once stuffed, I laid bacon strips across the top of the turkey breast “as fine lardoons”.  A fat turkey is subjective and I like bacon.  Bacon is never a bad thing when it comes to meat.  So bacon it was on top of the turkey in a criss-cross decorative patterning.

endview of bacon wrapped turkey


The bacon will shrink so lay the bacon half over the first strip when laying out your pattern.  You’ll understand once you’ve cooked the bacon on top of the turkey once.

I did not have a spit handy so had to use a gas stove oven and a rack.  From here it was 2.5 hours at 350.

roasted turkey on platter

The turkey is incredibly moist while the stuffing is very meaty with savory and sweet flavorings.

Modern vs. Period:

I did not have a period turkey.  I could have bought a “heritage turkey” however the packaging did not say what “heritage” and I really wanted a Black Spanish or Black Norway.  I am just going to have to raise my own I think.

The herbs came from my garden and were mostly period.  The dried plums were from California and did not designate the type which means that a period type of plum was probably not used.  The eggs were organic but the sugar was regular table sugar instead of brown or turbinado; however fine sugar was known in Italy at this point.

Sugar- Considered very expensive till the late 1500.  Loaf sugar given the name due to the conical shape derivded from refining into a hard and very white refined form. Caffetin or Couffin (English equivalent of “coffer” or “coffin”) named for the form, packed in plaited leaves palm and from the city shipped from called Caffa in the Crimea.    Casson a very fragile sugar also considered the ancestor to castor sugar.  Muscarrat considered the best of all sugars, reported to be made in Egypt for the Sultan of Babylon.  The Italian name mucchera denotes that it had been refined twice. (Toussaint-Samat, pg. 553-555)

I did not have a wood fire spit on which to roast the now stuffed turkey.  I had to rely on the modern convenience of a gas stove and a roasting pan with a rack.  This does not give the wood flavor that a smoke fire would; however the heat was maintained at a regular temperature which precludes charred spot or raw and undercooked areas.



A period turkey dish is both similar and dissimilar to the modern day Thanksgiving turkey.  The dissimilarity is that a much more favorable type of bird was used rather then the mass produced standard white turkey.  The stuffing is more complicated and very meaty.  The stuffing is not just throwing a premade mix with chicken stock and maybe a few other ingredients into a turkey.  The ingredients are wide ranging and not what a modern palate would associate for turkey stuffing.

I enjoyed the making of the Italian style turkey.  I hope to tackle the Tudor Christmas Pie next but having attempted that once and getting stuck not on the deboning of the turkey, duck, chicken or quail but rather the pie crust, that is a several day project.



Damerow, G., (2010). Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens.


The Well-Stocked Kitchen, Joachim Beuckelaer, 1566


The Four Elemnts of Fire, Joachim Beuckelaer 1569


Toussaint-Samat, M., (1992). History of Food. Barnes & Nobles.


The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570). Translated by Scully., T.,  University of Toronto Press.

Tomatoes in Period (Love Apples)

This recipe sort of took me by surprise.  I wasn’t expecting tomatoes to be in period.  I had bought into the history myth that tomatoes weren’t actually eaten until the late 1880’s. Sooooo not correct.  The research was fun doing this.  The recipe very tasty!

Tomatoes in Period:


Likewise they doe eate the Apples with oile, vinegre and pepper mixed together for sauce to their meat, even as we in these cold countries doe Mustard. (Gerard’s Herbal, pp. 81).


3 C Cherry tomatoes

Olive oil


1 tsp Fresh ground pepper



This was a really easy recipe.  I gathered up all the ingredients.

tomatos and spices


Quarter the cherry tomatoes into a bowl.

sliced cherry tomatoes with viniger

Here I am adding the vinegar.  Next grind up the pepper corns.

 Ground pepper

Add the pepper then the olive oil.

add Olive oil

Mix together.

At the time I made this, I did not make any steak or chicken to put this on.  Instead I took one bite of this and ate the entire bowl as a wonderful tomato salad.  I have not tasted better.  Simple, elegant and so good!


Tomatoes in Period (Research)

Tomatoes in Period


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke




Tomatoes in Period


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke

Tomatoes are the red fruit from the Solanumlycopersicum plant which originated in originated in Mexico and parts of Central America. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 707) to Naples.  With the shipping to and fro of gold, chocolate and plants the tomato was shipped, probably in seed form back to Spain, Portugal.  The tomato plant was not originally called tomato but rather the Apples of Love, (Gerards, pp. 79).  Gerard comments “The pulpe or meat is very full of moisture, soft, reddish, and of the substance of a wheat plumme.” (pp. 79)  This is the perfect description of a tomato.  Toussaint-Samat describes the original tomato as looking as a small round fruit and not the large fruit we see modernly, more like the cherry tomatoes and not the beefsteak tomatoes of today. While this was discovered and shipped back to Spain then to England where Gerard is given and grows his own tomatoes, the fruit is not seen as particularly popular upon first taste.  The Italians do find some very tasty ways to eat the fruit but it is not a wide spread phenomenon, delaying tomatoes rise as a major food ingredient for a couple more centuries.  A quote that sums up the fate of the tomato in period

“Prized historically by the natives of South America and Mexico, tomatoes found their way into Spain and Portugal near the turn of the sixteenth century with the returning conquistadores, but there they languished for centuries in a kind of gastronomic purgatory.” (Staub, pp 104.)


Tomatoes in Art:

I found a couple of paintings that I thought were intriguing for the depiction of the tomato in period.  These tomatoes aren’t the beef eaters we are use to but small almost cherry tomatoes.


Market Woman with Fruit, vegetables and Poultry


The close up for the tomatoes is middle bottom in the small bowl.

Market Woman with Fruit, vegetables and Poultry

As you can see these are very small red fruits. Unlike depictions of cherries, there are no stems attached to the fruit as seen in the basket right above the tomatoes.

Another painting with tomatoes, uses fruits and vegetables to form a face of a man.

 Reversible Head with Basket of Fruit,_Reversible_Head_with_Basket_of_Fruit,_c._1590,_oil_on_panel.jpg

The lower lip is a depiction of what I believe to be period tomatoes.  The next painting by Giuseppe shows both tomatoes and cherries.  The cherries have stems, which is my belief how the artists distinguished between the two fruits.

Again the lower lip is depicted, in what I think, are period tomatoes.  The cherries, with stems are up on the head portion, behind the grapes on the upper right hand side.


Tomatoes in Period:


Likewise they doe eate the Apples with oile, vinegre and pepper mixed together for sauce to their meat, even as we in these cold countries doe Mustard. (Gerard’s Herbal, pp. 81).



3 C Cherry tomatoes

Olive oil


1 tsp Fresh ground pepper



This was a really easy recipe.  I gathered up all the ingredients.

tomatos and spices

Quarter the cherry tomatoes into a bowl.

sliced cherry tomatoes with viniger

Here I am adding the vinegar.  Next grind up the pepper corns.

 Ground pepper

Add the pepper then the olive oil.

add Olive oil

Mix together.

At the time I made this, I did not make any steak or chicken to put this on.  Instead I took one bite of this and ate the entire bowl as a wonderful tomato salad.  I have not tasted better.  Simple, elegant and so good!

Modern vs. Period:

For this dish, I tried to keep the food and ingredients either organic or as close to period as possible.  The tomatoes are cherry and organic, the olive oil Tuscan and the vinegar is balsamic red wine.  I would suggest red wine or even white wine vinegar.  I think an apple cider vinegar is a little too harsh and raw.


Market Woman with Fruit, vegetables and Poultry


A Feast for the Eyes


Reversible Head with Basket of Fruit,_Reversible_Head_with_Basket_of_Fruit,_c._1590,_oil_on_panel.jpg


Geraard, J., (1994). Gerard’s Herbal. Edited by Woodward, M., (original publication 1597)


Toussaint-Samat, M., (1992). History of Food. Barnes & Nobles.



Peacock Research

Roman table to a King’s table: How it was done and the ways to recreate the look and taste.


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke




A dish to grace the table of Kings


Honorable Lady Sosha Lyon’s O’Rourke

“Peacock: you admire him, often he spreads his jewel-encrusted tail.  How can you, unfeeling man, hand this creature over to the cook?” (Mart.XIII-1XX/Faas, pp. 295)


Peacocks were valued throughout history; not only for their feathers nor for their flesh.  Poems and songs were written about these gorgeous feather fowls and their likeness graced plates, vases and even thrones.  They represented different ecclesiastic values to different religions.  This one bird, with its jeweled eyed tail, was coveted for both the look and symbolism represented in the display of this majestic fowl.  From a throne in India to the table of rich Romans to the Persian Empire decorating paintings and vases; even to the table of English royalty, each used this favored bird in recipes and decoration.

“Such subtle creations could be comprised of just the edible, or as the more elaborate a set up became, a combination of paper mache and lumber to support a larger and even grander display.  These decorative subtleties were for powerful displays and less about eating, with the production being undertaken by carpenters, metals smiths and painters and very little with chefs.” (

This is a research paper on cooking a beautiful period dish served to royalty. It covers the trials and tribulations needed to make this display happen in today’s modern world, which lacks an availability of peacocks, as well as the “work-arounds” needed to display the dish in a mostly period manner.




           Toussaint-Samat recounts how the noble peacock was served at the Banquet of the Pheasant held in 1453.  As per tradition of the time, when the peacock was served in all of its glory, the hero of the feast was to make a vow.  The hero for this particular feast was Duke Phillip the Good.  His vow was to challenge the Sultan to single combat.  The commentary went on to say that while the vow was made solemnly it was not take seriously. (pp. 84).

Another display was “[w]hen the peacock was all arrayed in his pride, royal trumpeters blowing on silver horns or other musicians making “Sweet Musick” [sic], led the way to the banqueting hall followed by the First Lady carrying the peacock and then by a bevy of maidens clad in white…The platter on which it rested could either be of gold or silver…” (Craig, pp. 158).

As mentioned, the peacock was forced back into as natural a form as possible during cooking.  Gilding of the feathers, feet and beak were done.  Some gilding was done in actual gold while others were in a flour paste colored with saffron, depending on the host’s monetary status. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 84).   For displaying the dish I have run into a few unique issues, the first being the cost of the actual peacock.  While researching how to cook and serve peacocks, I came to the horrible realization that full grown peacocks are EXPENSIVE.  I cannot stress this reality enough.  One male peacock can be priced as low as $150 (if they are very young, i.e.8-9 months or younger and without plumage) or can run up to $600 for a full grown fowl with plumage.  Peahens can cost $150 for a young bird. These prices are for live birds.  If the meat were desired, skinned and dressed without feathers, the body runs $300 at regular price and $200 on sale.  This is without the skin and feathers.  In today’s market, purchasing an actual peacock becomes difficult.

My choice, if I decided on a live bird, would have been to pay for a young bird and raise it (barring any wildlife getting tasty thoughts of their own about my peacock), then skinning and dressing it for the table.  Assuming I did not damage the skin while skinning or ruin the meat by piercing the gall bladder (rendering the meat bitter and useless) while dressing out the bird, I would have had a viable solution.  Unfortunately, while I have helped slaughter chickens for the table quite a few years ago, skinning and dressing were left to my dad, amid comments about not wanting to let a kid ruin dinner or something similar.

This left me inadequately skilled for raising, skinning, and dressing out a very expensive peacock.  With that in mind, I have followed the Roman mindset that meat could be dressed as another meat and served forth as a “Faux Peacock”.  I wanted an uncommon bird, but something well within the affordable range that could be purchased without having to special order.  After weighing my options, I decided to use duck.  Duck is not a lean meat with the skin on.  However, the selling point, unlike a chicken, is that the duck is about the same amount of dark meat per body while commercial chickens are more breast heavy than any peacock could ever be.  Duck can be rendered less fatty by the removal of the skin and can still be considered an uncommon dinner dish by most standards today.  Duck was, for me, the logical substitute in my meat portion of the cooking.

Chicken was never an option, which left me with fewer choices than expected for modern dark meat.  Pigeon could have been an option; however, having no hunting license pigeon and quail (being much too small to start with) were not viable substitutes.  Pheasant could have been used.  There were two issues for using the actual cousin of the peacock.  Pheasants, for decent pricing, require a hunting license and a lease to hunt on.  I have neither the weapon nor the skill to shoot.  Pheasant is also not an easily attainable meat which makes pricing difficult.  Each option was weighed with pros and cons, and the most viable choice again was duck.  What I would pay for one pheasant, I could purchase four ducks.  Duck is an all dark meat.  Without its skin, the flesh can be suitably larded to imitate (not in flavor) the look of peacock dark meat.

 Dressing a Peacock:

 Dressing of a peacock usually comes after the cooking. The meat and cooking part was easily worked through, though the display was a bit of an issue, hence the dressing before the cooking.

See above for the cost of a live male peacock in full feathered display, making the idea of raising a peacock un doable at this time, meaning a skin would have to be purchased.  I was able to find a company that dealt exotic skins; however there was a catch to the peacock skin. The skin would only be available if and only if someone brought one in and then it was a three month waiting period while the skin was treated.  The price associated with obtaining a skin this way was almost unbelievable. I was able to negotiate the purchase of a skin after the seller asked what I would be using it for.  The caveat by the seller was that the skin was missing a head.  I didn’t have any other options or sellers at this point so the answer was a resounding “Yep!  I can work with a headless peacock skin.”  I did not mention my desperation at this point for any skin with feathers that could be painted to look like a peacock if I had to.

Period-wise I would have had a skin and body that would not need such subtlety in body forming or a wood carver who could shape a block of would in a simulation worthy of Henry the VIII’s table.

The skin arrived, headless as advertised and cured in such a way I would shudder dressing any bird meat in it.

just skin feathers up

 The skin was beautiful, but not useful for an edible concoction due to the preservation techniques on the underside.

 underside of skin


This abolished any idea of redressing a duck with the peacock skin and gilding the duck bill.  Nor would I be able to re-stuff the skin with small birds or savory meats.  (Toussaint-Samat). I thought of making a cloth body with a batting neck before realizing that sagging would take this proud bird skin and turn it into a saggy pillow of pretty feathers.  Nor did I trust my carving skills (I am totally deficient in this area) for making a peacock body and head out of wood.  I had to resort to artisans skilled in this area modernly.

With this new hurdle, I researched different ways in which a peacock could be displayed.  The best modern equivalent I could find was from a taxidermy form.  This took some work as not every taxidermy shop is considered equal no matter how much they talk about exotic birds in their bio line.  The form arrived in pieces minus the head.  Luckily for me the head arrived the next day.

peacock pieces

Peacocks do not like giving up their heads even in resin form!  This jigsaw of body, neck and eventually head had to be metal tabbed and glued together.  Insert neck B into resin body A and no up or down listed on the body on where pieces went.  Once the pieces were attached in the correct body part, glue was used to keep them from drooping or falling off.   I couldn’t have the peacock losing its head again!

The head was attached to the neck with metal and glue after drilling a small hole into the head.  The head was of a different and much harder material then the neck and could not have the metal bar section of the neck inserted as the neck’s lower tab was inserted into the body.  That would have made life way to easy!

The next step was to wipe the form clean of dust and apply the gilding.  Gold leaf would have been used or a flour paste colored with saffron depending on the serving nobilities’ financial means. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 84)  My first attempt with gold leaf was a disaster.  Uneven, splotchy, and just ugly are the words I would use to describe this decorating application.  After removing my gold leaf disaster, I moved on to gold paint as I was obviously not the deft period artisan needed to apply the gilding.


 form together w head painted

 Once the head was attached and liberally applied with gilding, I outlined the eyes in kohl,

  peacock kohl

 then added faux glass “rubies” were glued into the eye sockets.

  peacock eyes

 Feathers were attached to the head for a crest.


 peacock crest

 This gives the overall presentation a richer, more finished look and I believe closer to a period cooked peacock.

Finally the time had come to sew the skin onto the form.  This presented a new problem.  The skin was not the full skin of a peacock, just the neck, back with wings and the tail.  I had not noticed this detail till I put the skin over the peacock form.

skin on form not fitting

This means the form, I had ready for the skin to be stitched onto, was too large and the skin to small.  This left me with several bad options.  The first would have been to not use the form and just lay the skin out as a side note.  I did not like this idea as it lacked grace and style. The second was to form a cloth covering to which the skin might be sewn onto then having the cloth covering sewn onto the form.  I attempted this, going so far as to actually making a body covering drape pattern.  The third idea, which is the one I went with, was to ribbon the skin and tie it to the body form.  This idea presented the best idea overall as the form can be arranged then have the skin draped with minimal damage to the skin and feathers while shifting from one angle to the next on display

            Once I realized I could not fit the skin over the peacock form, my plan was to sew ribbon on to the skin to form a tied collar.  Unfortunately the way the skin was cured, it has started to flake and tear along stress lines making sewing impossible.  I attached ribbon to the neck via glue.  Not period glue but glue none the less.

glue ribbon to skin

This affixed the ribbon while stabilizing the stress areas along the neck of the skin.

tipopits finished

Once the ribbons were attached I sewed on metal tippets with faux pearls.

front peacock w cloak

This is non-standard; however as this display, if the standard recipe had been achievable would have been served on the high table, the idea is to make the overall look as rich and elegant as possible.   The peacock is now painted, dressed and ready for displaying.


 The edibility of the flesh of a peacock varied from cook to cook.  Scappi, cook for the Popes of Rome in the 1500s, is quoted on peacock taste as saying, “[t]heir flesh is black, but more tasty then all other fowl.” (pp. 206).  Augustine conducted experiments on the antiseptic quality of peacock flesh.  He found that the flesh shriveled but did not rot.  (Sparknotes/ bestiary).  Medieval bestiary states “the flesh of a peacock is so hard that it does not rot, and can hardly be cooked in fire or digested by the liver…” (bestiary)    Even with such unenthusiastic endorsements, this did not stop the consumption of this fantastic fowl.

Roman Recipes

“Some times the peacock…were roasted then had their plumage restored to them…to prepare a bird in this fashion, take off the feathers with the skin.  Cure the skin with coarse sea salt, so that it dries out a little, and wash it off just before you dress the roast bird in it…” (Faas, pp. 297).

On a side note, the peacock was so expensive (roughly 50 denarii a bird) that some peacocks were stripped of their skin then cooked (roasted) in aromatic resinous substances until the meat was effectively mummified. Afterwards it was redressed and reserved at another banquet later that week or month without fear of rotting. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 38)

Another great recipe was…

“Grind chopped meat with the center of fine white bread that has been soaked in wine.  Grind together pepper, garum and pitted myrtle berries if desired.  Form small patties, putting in pine nuts and pepper.  Wrap in omentum and cook slowly in caroenum.”  (Giacosa, pp. 90)

The ground meat patties of peacock have first place, if they are fried so that they remain tender… (Apicius, 54/Giacosa, pp. 90).  This recipe, for ground patties, was probably used for peahens past their reproductive cycle, and at 50 denarii per bird, this would still be a very expensive and luxuriant dish to serve to nobility and emperors.

French Recipes

Peacock/Swan “Kill it like goose, leave the head and tail, lard or bard it, roast it golden, and it with fine salt.  It lasts at least a month after it is cooked.  If it becomes mouldy on top, remove the mould and you will find it white, good and solid underneath.” (Taillevent, pp. 23)

Reclothed Swan (substituting Peacock) “…in its skin with all the feathers.  Take it and split it between the shoulders, and cut it along the stomach; then take off the skin from the neck cut at the shoulders, holding the body by the feet; then put it on the spit, and skewer it and gild it.  And when it is cooked, it must be reclothed in its skin and let the neck be nice and straight or flat; and let it be eaten with yellow pepper. (Goodman, M-30)

Italian Recipes

“if you want to roast a peacock on a spit, get an old one between October and February.  After it has been killed let it hang for eight days without plucking it and without drawing it; then pluck it dry…When it is plucked draw it…..put one end of a hot iron bar into the carcass through the hole by which it was eviscerated being careful not to touch the flesh: that is done to remove its moistness and bad smell.  To stuff it use the mixture outlined in Recipe 115, or else sprinkle it with salt, fennel flour, pepper, cloves and cinnamon; into the carcass put panicles of dry fennel and pieces of pork fat that is not rancid, studded with whole cloves or whole pieces of fine saveloy.  Blanch it in water or sear it on the coals.  Stud the breast with whole cloves. (The breast can also be larded or wrapped in slice of pork fat as is done with the pheasant in Recipe 135).  Roast it over a low fire, preserving the neck with its feathers as is done with the pheasant.  Serve it hot or cold as you wish, with various sauces …(Scappi, pp. 207)

The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi, recipe #139 suggested for pheasant or peacock.

“If you want to roast the small ones on a spit, as soon as they are caught pluck them dry and draw them; leave their head and feet on.  Stuff them with a little beaten pork fat, fresh fennel, beaten common herbs, raw egg yolks and common spices – which is done to keep them from drying out.  Sew up the hole and arrange their wings and thighs so they are snug.  Sear them on coals.  Wrap them, sprinkled with salt and cloves, in a calf or wether caul, or else in slices of pork fat with paper around them…When they are done serve them hot. (Scappi, pp. 206)

English Recipes

“Take a peacock, break his neck, and cut his throat, and flay him.  The skin and the feathers together, and the head still to the skin of the neck, and keep the skin and the feathers whole together; draw him as a hen, and keep the bone to the neck whole, and roast him, and set the bone of the neck above the broach (spit), as he was wont to sit alive; and above the legs to the body, as he was wont to sit alive; and when he is roasted enough take him off, and let him cool; and then wind the skin with the feathers and tail about the body, and serve him forth as he were alive; or else pluck him clean and roast him, and serve him as though do a hen. (Renfrow, pp. 572).

“Take and flay off the skin with feathers and tail, leaving the neck and crest still upon the bird, and preserving the glory of his crest from injury when roasting by wrapping it in a linen bandage.  Then take the skin with all the feathers upon it and spread it out on the table and sprinkle thereon ground cinnamon.  Now roast the peacocke and endore him with the yolkes of many eggs, and when he is roasted remove him from the fire and let him cool for awhile.  Then take and sew him again into his skin and all his feathers, and remove the bandage from his crest.  Brush the feathers carefully and dust upon them and his comb gilding to enhance his beauty.  After a while, set him upon a golden platter, garnish with rosemary and other green leaves, and serve him forthwith as if he were alive and with great ceremony.” (Craig, pp. 157)

“A peacock may also have the skin and feathers removed as described above when it may be stuffed with spices and sweet herbs, and finely chopped savory meats, and roasted as described in the foregoing recipe.  Then replace the skin and feathers when it should be “served…”…with the tail of the peacock was covered with leaf of gold, and a piece of cotton dipped in spirits was put in its beak.  This was set fire to as the bird was brought in Royal procession to the table with musical honours.”  (Craig, pp. 157-158)

The Elements in Common:

Each of these recipes discusses the various ways in which the peacock could be cooked.  Peacock, other than the Roman mummification recipe, mostly dealt with removing the skin with feathers, then roasting the meat.  After removal of the skin with feathers on, it was laid to the side and sprinkled with either salt or cinnamon for drying out and, unbeknownst at the time, bacterial retardation that could cause food poisoning.

In several of the recipes the bird is larded or wrapped in bacon, to preserve the moisture of the meat due to the low fat content of the flesh, with various herbs along with bacon and eggs used for stuffing.  This would produce a more robust flavoring with lots of added fat content and juices.

Only one recipe (Roman) actually suggests grinding the meat into patties for frying and not serving whole.  Further research shows that the recipe for ground poultry meat has spices and nuts mixed in before frying into patties.  As the male peafowl was valued for their brilliant feathers, I wonder if this recipe was used on peahens that had out lived their egg laying/brooding days.

Two recipes suggest using other types of meat to stuff the skin back into the form of the original bird with either savory meats such as pork and beef or the meat/bodies of small birds and herbs.  This is a variation of “this is not the bird you think it is.” subtlety seen at grand banquets where the flesh of one animal or multiple animals or fowl were shaped or sculpted into the form of another. (Faas, pp. 68)


Peacock (or edible bird substitute)

4 egg yolks

1 fennel

1 ½ lbs of bacon (6-8 Bacon strips and ½ lb bacon pieces)

1/2 tbs salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground cloves

2 tbs flour


1 peacock

1 cup ground bread crumbs

1 tsp ground pepper

½ red wine (pinot)

1 tsb fish sauce

½ cup pine nuts

½ lb bacon


1 peacock

2 lbs bacon

Salt to taste





Before any cooking of the duck can be done, the bacon has to be made.  My research turned up little in the actual making of bacon.  Bacon use is ubiquitous in a variety of cultures as an edible tasty larding or just wonderful tasty addition to any recipe.  The making seems to have been so common that recipes for making were deemed unnecessary. You just knew how to make bacon.  With that being said, I am using the wonderful research done by Sir Master Gunther and his bacon making class.  I chose the French style for my experimentation in this new pork medium.  However my attempt to make bacon did not yield enough quality bacon to use for this display.  The bacon was too salty and I could not get the slices thin enough to actually wrap around a duck.

  bacon pieces

 The slices were either chunks or short thin slices.  Not much in between.  I believe I will need to work on the recipe and slicing technique before I can use my own home made bacon.  Loved the research Sir Master Gunther did, will definitely have another go at making bacon another time!

Italian Peacock #1

For the fennel stuffed duck the majority of prep work is getting the stuffing made.  First I gathered all the spices together.

 Italian duck spices

 The bacon and fennel were cut into small pieces, with the egg yolk and spices added next.

italian duck spices in bowl

Everything was mixed together as evenly as possible coating the fennel and bacon with the finer spices and egg yolk.

italian duck spices mixed

The young duck, without neck or head attachment,


young duck no head

was skinned ready for stuffing.  Yes this gets very messy!

 skinned duck no head

 The mixture was then stuffed into the duck.

 raw stuffed duck


The duck after being stuffed was wrapped in bacon slices.  I had to affix the bacon with skewers.  Toothpicks would have worked; however I was out of those.


 raw bacon wrapped stuffed duck

 This duck is not being suggestive, merely showing all the yummy stuff just waiting to happen.

The duck was then placed on a rack in the oven for an hour and a half.

  Italian cooked duck


This is a very tasty way to eat duck.  The bacon and fennel contemplate each other with the egg yolks.  The skewers were determined to stay in, more then I was willing to yank the cooked duck apart.

I have done this recipe using ducks with their heads.

skinned duck

The duck can be “formed” to have an upright look using skewers down the throat and pinning the neck to the chest.

scewered duck neck
This method is messy and irritating.  I preferred cooking without the neck and head attached.  However I know realize why and how the metal skewers were used for maximum effect when cooking peacocks.  Bamboo or even wooden skewers do not curve or bend in natural ways to get the best effect

 duck and pieces

 This duck just looks very unhappy and not nearly as appealing as the non-headed duck dish.  In period, as previously described, the eyes would have been replaced with something nicer like rubies.


Roman Peacock #2

Here, after gathering the spices together in one spot,

Roman duck spices

Pour about 1/3 of the wine into the bread crumbs and grind up the pepper corns.

ground pepper w wine soaked bread crumbs

I took the lovely dark duck meat,

raw duck breast meat


stripped the meat from the bones, including some skin and fat then ground everything together.

one raw duck in blender


This is one duck’s worth of meat in a Cuisenaire.  Roughly about four maybe five cups worth of meat.

The duck meat is ground fairly fine with this method.  In period, Romans would use a mortar and pestle for pounding their meat for dishes such as this.  (Faas, pp. 135)

ground raw duck w spices

The meat was then combined with the spices, pine nuts, and garum.  Next spices and breadcrumbs with wine were mixed with the ground duck, looking to overspill the bowl.

raw mixed duck w spices


This may look like period meatloaf but this is forming into something so much tastier and will never need ketchup.

I formed small patties, roughly about the size of my palm.  These will be very rich, so do not make them full sized.

duck patti w bacon one


The next step was to wrapped the patties in bacon instead of pork caul as no pork caul was to be had at any of my usual meat shops.  This being the case bacon makes a good secondary choice.

duck patty w bacon two


Duck meat patty was placed on bacon, and then wrapped in the bacon in the start of something very tasty.

duck patty w bacon three



Next the duck patties were placed in the cooking dish that had been prepped with wine in the individual “cups”.

cooking roman dish w wine


Next came the patties for cooking.


duck patties w bacon in wine dish

These were then slow cooked in a sweet red wine.  Till the bacon was crisp and the duck well cooked.


cooked roman patties in pan

After trying one of the “extras”, I have to say I really love this recipe.  This has to be one of my favorite Roman dishes now.


A closer look at a cooked bacon wrapped duck patty.

Roman cooked patti


The fat to meat ratio was as close to 80/20 as I could using only some of the skin and only a little of the fat stripped from the body.  The meat to fat ratio, I have read on a couple of cooking websites to be the ideal for both flavor and the happy mouth feel for rich meat.

Roman meat was pounded for a ground meat instead of cut/chopped (Giacosa/Faas) as we do in modern day.  Lacking a bevy of kitchen slaves or servants, I have chosen to use the modern day equivalent called a food processor.   After the meat reached a chopped state, I incorporated spices, bread crumbs, wine and nuts. The mixture was formed into patties and fried in olive oil.

I felt that while this was not a dish which would have been redressed in its own skin, the taste is worth trying as another alternative to the manifold roast recipes.  In my opinion, this dish likely came about when a peahen was past her prime laying stage and the Roman owner did not want to let the bird go to waste.  Since the peahen is rather drab in comparison to her more colorful counterpart, she would not have been mummified and displayed, but the meat would never be wasted.


French Peacock #3


This was the simplest of the three dishes.  The duck was stripped of its skin and salted, then wrapped in bacon.


rear of bacon wrapping in duckThis is to show how the duck is laid out then wrapped.  I hadn’t actually gotten to the stripping of the skin.  One of those “Ooops!” photos.  Strip skin then lay naked duck on bacon, not lay duck on bacon then strip off skin.  Things just get messy at that point!

Once the bird had been redressed in a pork covering, it was roasted for an hour or more, until done.

Cooked duck in bacon

This style of faux “peacock” does not match the taste of the other two dishes.  A skin covering would definitely needed to dress this bird up.  The taste is excellent and easier to cook though I would say the taste is not quite up to par with the other two dishes.

Period vs. Modern Techniques:

If a peacock were to be redressed in its own skin and served there were a few steps that were done.  In period a cook would have gone down to the market, Roman, Italian or English (if not to the livestock area where the fowl were hanging out) and purchased a bird of quality with feathers.  The purchase, like today would have been a princely sum.  The bird would then have been carefully skinned, with the skin being set aside and either salted or heavily sprinkled with cinnamon.  (Renfrow, pp. 572/Faas. Pp. 297) The body would have had iron skewers inserted into the body to give the proper curvatures while roasting on a spit.  (Scappi, pp. 207).  Once the body had finished cooking, the beak, feet and neck were gilded with gold or a flour paste colored with saffron.  (Craig, pp. 157).  This is if the bird were to be served whole as a main display.

Other recipes called for roasting either in an oven or a spit, Sometimes even ground and formed into patties. (Faas/Craig/Scappie/Renfrow)  This noble fowl was not just a one trick show peacock.

Modernly, I had to improvise throughout the whole cooking process.  The first issue being I could not get my hands on a reasonably priced peacock fully grown with feathers.  This required a substituted bird of good flavor and modest pricing.  Duck to the rescue!  Using store bought duck (not even the farmer markets in Austin carried ducks with skin and feathers attached).  Next not having a spit or a wood fired oven, I had to resort to a gas powered oven.  The no neck and head negated the need for spits though I have used wooden skewers in test cooking to give the ducks with heads a more lively appearance.  They came out of the oven, not smiling…more screaming as the muscles around their mouth contracted opening their beaks and causing the tongue to extrude.  At this point I decided that was far more realistic then any one should have to see and attempt to eat and went for the headless option.  In period, I am sure the peacock’s beak would have been wound shut with wire or strong linen threads.

The body display differences came from not having a fresh peacock skin but one that had been preserved for display.  The skin I had purchased was not a full skin, just the back and wings with only partial neck.  This negated any attempted to actually dress up a duck like a peacock.  The preserved skin would have been damaged and the duck would have tasted horrible!  Instead I decided to enlist a description of how Romans found the peacock display a beautiful center piece.  So much so that they would mummify the bird and the “handlers” would take the bird from banquet to banquet as a non-edible center piece.  (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 38) I purchased body parts in plastic molding.  In period a mold would have been carved from wood, possibly wax or even stone (though to be honest they might have rented the mummified bird instead of throwing a skin over a form as quicker and cheaper.  I say this after having built, glued and gilded one preformed form).  The gilding I have is in sheets of non-edible gild (a cost issue of faux gold vs. real gold).  I could have used the period flour and saffron.  Yet neither my faux gild nor the flour faux gild sheets looked good.  So I went with the faux gold paint.  There was gold gild paint seen in manuscripts, again a cost issue if I had been able to buy the real gold gild, hence faux gold gild.

The actual food ingredients were as period as possible i.e. organic where possible.  The dishes used to cook the birds in were as period as possible in ceramic/pottery roasting dishes.

To have done this in a truly period manner, I would have needed to access to a market with peacocks in season, raise my own bird(s), have a wood fired oven.  The metal spits could have been optional depending on which recipe I decided to serve.  Modern substitutes were done when period items could not be obtained.


This work represents a desire to attempt an in period impressive dinner subtlety, something that is not seen at most feasts in the modern world.  I spent more time attempting to find peacocks at a reasonable price and already slaughtered, than revising my ideas to a more modest approach of buying a skin and working from a different angle with an affordable dark meat bird.

What I have found is that unlike a stuffed Boar’s Head, peacocks are hard to find at a reasonable price and buying just a skin whole or partial is still pricy and difficult to find.  Once purchased, a live bird would need a very strong coop to keep out the opossums, raccoons and foxes that roam my back yard, which I do not own, as well as feed…  The final hurdle in purchasing a live bird was that while I could have purchased the bird to skin and dress, I lack even the most basic skills that would have been necessary to skin and dress a bird in period fashion.

While this project was not as time intensive in the area of cooking as building a period castle subtlety, the search for an acceptable meat, again within price range, took several mental gear shifts.

I have enjoyed almost every step, immersing myself in the various techniques for raising, cooking and dressing a peacock in various period ways.  This project has given me both great enjoyment and horrifying nightmares.  I am not sure if I would attempt this again.  I think I would want to wait another year to forget about some of the more harrowing minute details that were overlooked, unexpected or completely out of left field.  I would have to say this project is not for the faint of heart.  Each person has to know their limitations ability wise, in and out of the kitchen.  I feel that I have risen to the challenge for a rare cooking research project in both perspective and display.



Craig, E., (1953). English Royal Cookbook. Andre Deutsch Limited, London.


Damerow, G., (2010). Raising Chickens. Storey Publishing.


Fass, P., (1994). Around the Roman Table. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1994.


Giacosa, I., (1994).  A taste of Ancient Rome. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.


Good man of Paris.(1395). Le Managier De Paris.


Refrow, C., (1998). Take a Thousand Eggs or More.


Scappi, B., (2008). The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570). University of Toronto Press Incorporated 2008.


Taillevent. (1989) le Viandier de Taillevent. 14th Century Cookery. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.


Toussaint-Samat, M., (1992). History of Food. Barns & Noble Inc.


The Viandier of Taillevent , ed. Terence Scully,(University of Ottawa Press, 1988).  As present by and by Patrick Martins, nyu


 Peacock Breed Information.

The Indian peafowl is a part of the pheasant family with the Latin name Pavo Crisatus.  They are native to Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and the Himalayas where they are considered an ornamental bird and not wild or a game type of bird. ( The Indian peafowl has iridescent green or blue-green colored plumage and an upright crest.  There is also the Green Peafowl, Pavo Muticus, that ranges from Burma to Java.  There is also the Congo Peafowl, Afropavo Congensis. (Wikipedia).   White peafowl do occur in nature but are rarely seen due to lack of survival coloration. (

This august bird traveled from India to the Middle East, from Alexandria to Greece and Rome.  From the Mediterranean the peafowl traveled upwards into Europe.  (anglefire)  Here the bird was reared and considered not a game bird, even though it was imported, rather a domesticated fowl that went straight to the lords table. (Toussaint-Samat, pp. 83)

The peacock, unlike the chicken, was not a common bird.  (  Unlike the chicken a peahen will only lay 3-9 eggs a year while a single chicken could lay up to 200 eggs each year.  (Damerow).  This cuts down on the number of chicks born and raised to maturity in any given clutch or year.  Low numbers with great beauty, much like gold or rubies, raises the price of the peacock out of the common man’s reach.  This scarcity of peacocks, caused the pricing to be such that only nobility could afford such a rare beauty for their yard or table.  This holds true in modern times as well.  The peacock is, to this day, raised sparingly and only by dedicated lovers and breeders of this beautiful bird, raising the price beyond the grasp of the casual observer.


 An Historic Overview.

There are various mythologies associated with the peacock. Such myths include stories of their magnificent round tails with the many seeing “eyes” for the Greek goddess Hera.  There were myths about the peacock and the Roman Goddess Juno as well as the guardians of paradise from Islamic folklore.  (anglefire)








Several other mythic symbolisms are the psychic duality of man with peacocks standing on either side of the tree of life for the Persians.  Peacocks represented in Christianity’s mythos of the soul in Medieval Europe as immortality and incorruptibility to some sects.  (Khandro)



The Arabian Nights Cookbook

I didn’t get to go to Pennsic this year, but I did get to indulge in one of my favorite Pennsic past times. Book shopping. Namely cookbook shopping. I must admit I prefer being able to actually look at the books so I can see if they have period recipes for redacting. The ones I prefer and promote do. I stumbled across the Arabian Nights Cookbook on Amazon promoted as a book based on period recipes.


I like the cookbook, but it is NOT period. The dishes are modern without historical input. I was very sad to find this out when I received the book. I do like the recipes, but if you are looking for historical recipes, this is NOT the book to get. Get this book if you want modern cookbook though.

Baranj Hus (Rice in Ghee)

This title is a little misleading.  This really should say aromatic rice in ghee with nuts not just rice in clarified butter.  So while the title is misleading don’t pass this dish by!  Give it a try the next time you have a little of everything on hand (the only thing I was missing for this dish was the coconut) and give your dinner guests a fantastic rice treat of their life!

cooked rice and nuts

Baranj Hus

(Rice in Ghee)


…Put good ghee in a cooking pot.  When it becomes hot, flavour it with camphor, rosewater and white ambergris.  Then, having mixed rice with saffron and salt, put it in the ghee and fry it well.  Then add water, pine kernels, pistachio nuts, peeled almonds, cardamoms, cloves and shelled white coconut.  Break them into pieces, do not mince them.  Mix them all together and put them into a cooking pot and cook them well.  Then having added leaves of sweet basil and sacred basil or sour-oranges, serve it.  (The Nimatnama, pp. 15)


2 C Ghee (Clarified butter)

1/8 tsp rosewater

2 C Jasmine rice

1/16th  saffron

1 tsp salt

1 ½ C water

1 C pine kernels

1 C pistachio nuts,

1 C almonds

½ tsp ground cardamom

¼ tsp ground cloves or 8 whole cloves

1 C flaked/chunked UNSWEETENED coconut.


I had to do a couple of work arounds, when I started this recipe.  Those being camphor and white ambergris are a bit hard to find.  I chose to omit these items; however I did include the rosewater.  Remember a little goes a very long way!

Mix the rice with saffron and salt.  I don’t use the expensive saffron.  I use the cheaper saffron as it is available with out costing an arm and a leg.  Amazon or a good Indian grocer will work very well for saffron shopping.

I put 2 C of clarified butter into a pot.  Clarified butter can be argued to be the same as ghee and others will disagree.

clarified butter

I clarified my own butter and called it good.  For the butter solids I had bread on hand for dipping and munching while I cooked.  Good stuff.  Then added the rose water once the butter became hot.

Next mix in the rice/saffron/salt

rice safron and salt

and stir till the ghee is well absorbed.

rice in simmering butter

Add the water after the butter has been absorbed by the rice then add the nuts, cardamom, cloves and coconut.

nuts and coconut to rice and butter

I had to make a slight substitution here as well.  I did not have any pistachios on hand so used walnuts instead.  Two different flavors yet the walnut still complimented the overall dish flavors.

Stir very well again, then bring to a boil and turn the heat to the lowest setting.  Place a lid on the pot and let cook for 10 minutes.  Check in 10 minutes, stirring.

cooked rice and nuts

Take a taste.  If the rice is just the way you like it, then you are ready to serve.  If the rice is still a bit al dente, cook for another 5 minutes and taste again.

Another Qaliya Rice (Garlic Meat in Butter with Herbs and Rice)

To nights recipe comes from The Ni’matnama Manuscript of the Sultans of Mandu.  The actual recipe section of this book is fairly small in comparison to the manuscripts (in black and white) that take up the back half of the book.  The recipes cover both tasty foods for good eating or food that is awesomely wonderful to eat on a cool night after a hard day of hunting!

Another Qaliya Rice

(Garlic Meat in Butter with Herbs and Rice)


Another recipe, for Qualiya rice: put ghee into a cooking pot and when it has become hot, flavour it with asafetida and garlic.  When it has become well falvoured, put the meat, mixed with chopped potherbs, into the ghee.  When it has become marinated, add water and add, to an equal amount, one sir of cow’s milk.  When it has come to the boil, add the washed rice.  When it is well cooked, take it off. (The Ni’matnama, pp. 15)


1 1/2 meat (beef, lamb goat) or 5 chicken thighs

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp corriender

2/3 C Ghee or 2 sticks of butter clarified  (about 2/3 cup) OR 1 stick of butter melted

2 bruised bay leaves

½ cup chopped basil

1 pinch saffron

1 ½ C Jasmine rice

2 ½ C milk

½ tsp salt (or to taste)

8 chopped cloves of garlic (roughly)


This recipe is only a little vague.  The potherbs had to be guessed at.  I knew asafetida and garlic however I had to do some guessing for the rest of the herbs.  I went for herbs that I know are used in other medieval Middle Eastern recipes.  Cumin, coriander, saffron, basil and bay leaves.  I could have also used pepper, lemon peel, lemon or lime juice, oregano, thyme etc.  The “potherbs” I used were to my taste.  Feel free to play around to make some thing uniquely your own!

This recipe says meat.  Any meat will do, beef, goat or lamb.  Don’t feel boxed in by just one type of meat.  For the chicken, I am using chicken thighs instead of a whole chicken as I am only feeding a very few people.  If I had a large family I would use a whole chicken (or a lot of beef stew meat) with double all the ingredient

So gather all of the ingredients together,

garlic chicken spices

add the butter to the pot.

butter in pot melted

Remember the rice will expand about double so make sure your cooking pot has room for the expanded dish not just the dry ingredients.

Once the ghee/clarified butter starts to boil add in the asafetida and garlic.

butter garlic asafetida

Asafetida is a very very stinky herb.  So make sure there is lots of ventilation.  Asafetida adds an unique flavor and only a very small amount is needed.  Don’t go over board and add in tons.  A little goes a very long way. If none is available double the garlic.

Here are 5 chicken thighs chopped up.

raw chopped chickenNext add in the chopped chicken (or meat)

chopped chicken in butter

and the herbs.

chicken and herbs in pot

To bruise bay leaves, crumble them up and over several, many, a few times, so that they are still whole but not glossy.

Stir everything up and get simmering again.  Add in the milk.

with milk added

You can’t tell the milk has been added, but I assure you it has been!  I deleted the water as I wanted a very rich tasting dish.  The ghee/butter almost guarantees that but adding milk seals the deal.  I’ve also found the richer the mouth taste the less asafetida leaves an unpleasant after taste.

Once everything has come to a boil, add the rice.

add rice

Stir everything together once more and let the pot come to a boil for the last time.  Once the pot boils, turn the stove down and put a lid on.  Come back in about 15 minutes to stir well to mix things up and get the rice off the bottom of the pot.  At this point the rice will have absorbed all the yummy ghee/butter and milk turning soft and silky.  The meat should be cooked.  Turn off the stove and put the lid back on for another 10 minutes.  At this point the rice should be very silky and the flavors well blended.

served in green bowl

You can eat with a spoon or with flat bread.  This is a very old time comfort dish or just an excellently rich dish to serve on a cold winter night after a hard day of hunting!

Pork and Fig Pie

Ham and Fig Pie


Boil the ham with a large number of dried figs and 3 bay leaves.  Remove the skin and make diagonal incisions into the meat.  Pour in honey.  Then make a dough of oil and flour and wrap the ham in it.  Take it out of the oven when the dough is cooked and serve.

(Giacosa, pp. 96-97)


2 lb’s pork                   3 bay leaves                 3 C dried figs

½ C honey

Pie Crust


2 C wine  (or more to cover pork)


Everything is gathered close to the stove after a quick trip to the garden for bay leaves.

pork figs wine bay leafs

I then decide I want to be more Roman then the recipe calls for.  I decide to boil the pork meat in wine/water mixture for a more depth in flavor.

wine w bruised bay leaves

The wine used is a sweet red.  In period this could have been a natural sweet red or a red wine in which honey was added to. (Giacosa/Faas)

Once the bay leaves have been bruised and dropped into the wine, I add the figs pork and honey for a long slow cooking.  I like to simmer this for 1.5 -2 hours for a very tender bit of pork.  You can eat this after an hour if you just can’t wait.

Pork figs in wine in pot

Once the pork has been thoroughly cooked, the pork and fig in wine dish can be served as is OR wrapped in a pastry.  If you go with serving this as a meat and fig dish After the pork is cooked, the meat is pulled from the pot then set on the cutting board.

I have done both. However I have to say my favorite is pork and fig in a pastry shell.  So again I got a bit creative.  This is an oil based pastry shell.  Since doing this recipe I’ve run into a butter pastry crust that I think is so much better.  The crust though is up to the cook.  Use a crust you like and run with it.

oil dough

Here I am using a dish that has indentations at the bottom for the pastry shells.  The recipe actually calls for making a wrapped almost modern day pastie or pastry pocket.  For display purposes I wanted some thing that would show the individual ingredients in each pastry shell.  So I took the pastry and made small pastry cups in this wonderful dish (pre-oiled) then put in the chopped porksand figs.  (These cups are not very big and I did not chop the pork very small to start with when cooking hence the re-sizing after cooking)

pork figs in dough cups

The dish is then put in the oven for roughly 30 minutes at 350. (or till the crust is a toasty gold).

baked pork fig tartlet

While these pastry shells are very very rustic, I think this makes an elegant dish.  I enjoy the tastiness of a well made pastry wrapped around meaty honey/wine sweetness of the pork and figs.

Sosha Lyon's O'Rourk's Medieval Redactions English, Italian, Middle Eastern, Roman, Medieval Redactions and Recipes, Medieval Research Papers, Subtleties – Grill Mistress of the Pork