So this one…is just a bit outside of my taste range. I’m sure it was an excellent and enjoyable treat. This dish is NOT your typical omelet. More like a savory sweet for the cook to show off their skill. Posting this as a “Hmmm…how creative/showing off do I really want to do here.”
Ujaj Mudawwarat
(Another Omelet)
Take some eggs and spate the whites from the yolks. Add a little honey to the whites, beat them together, and add to them chopped rue, tarragon, mint and basil. Beat this mixture well, put it in a pot and light a fire underneath it until it sets and thickens. Sprinkle it with ta little cumin cassia, murrie and olive oil. Turn the egg white disc onto a platter and spread it on the egg yolk you have separated, sweetened with sugar and cooked until thickened and set. (al-Warraq’s, pp. 329)
3 eggs (Separate the whites from the yolk)
1 tsp honey
1/8 tsp ground tarragon, mint and basil
1/2 tsp sugar
Cumin, cinnamon, fish sauce, and olive oil
Separate your eggs, the whites from the yolks.
Mix the whites with the honey.
Pour the mixture into a lightly greased pan.
Once out of the pan sprinkle with cumin, cinnamon, fish sauce and olive oil (a few drops not too much). Put the finished whites on a plate.
Next take the yolk add the sugar and cook.
Add the yolks on top of the whites for a crowned omelet.
I know this is a bit of a messy picture. The omelet cooking in two parts was a bit of a messy project. Try this once just to say you have. This is a good learning experience with out taking to much time or to many costly ingredients.